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Category: Myopia

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Can Myopia Be Cured?

A young child at an optometrist's office covering one eye during an eye test to determine if they have myopia, also known as nearsightedness.

While myopia can’t be cured, the progression of myopia can be effectively slowed in children with the help of myopia control. For adults, treatments like glasses and contact lenses or laser eye surgery can correct a person’s vision. […]

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The Benefits of Overnight Contact Lenses

A young man sleeps peacefully while wearing overnight contact lenses.

Orthokeratology (ortho-k) lenses are hard gas-permeable contact lenses that reshape the cornea while sleeping. This lens technology makes them a great, non-invasive form of temporary vision correction, eliminating the need to wear corrective lenses during the day. 

There are many benefits to ortho-k lenses, some of which include: 

Freedom from corrective lenses

Safe and reversible non-surgical vision correction

Comfort for dry eyes 

Myopia control […]

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