No, wearing your glasses too much will not harm your eyes. Glasses are intended to correct your vision and improve your quality of life, whether you wear them occasionally to read or if you wear them all day. […]
What Diseases Can Be Detected In an Eye Exam?
Refractive errors
Dry eye
Age-related macular degeneration
Diabetic retinopathy
Amblyopia […]
What Vision Prescription Needs to Wear Glasses All the Time?
Visual acuity represents how clearly you can see at a particular distance.
A visual acuity of 20/20 is standard for good vision. A ratio that deviates from this standard, like 20/40 or 20/60 suggests that corrective lenses should be worn full-time. […]
Can Myopia Be Cured?
While myopia can’t be cured, the progression of myopia can be effectively slowed in children with the help of myopia control. For adults, treatments like glasses and contact lenses or laser eye surgery can correct a person’s vision. […]
How Soon Can You Drive After Cataract Surgery?
Driving isn’t recommended immediately after cataract surgery. As a general rule of thumb, avoid driving for a good 24 hours after surgery, or until your ophthalmologist gives you the green light to get behind the wheel. […]
How to Unblock Eye Oil Glands at Home
Nutrition and diet go a long way—your eyes need a complex mix of vitamins to create healthy tears. Try to maintain proper eyelid hygiene and prevent the buildup of bacteria, and if you notice discomfort, use a warm compress to find relief. […]
The Benefits of Overnight Contact Lenses
Orthokeratology (ortho-k) lenses are hard gas-permeable contact lenses that reshape the cornea while sleeping. This lens technology makes them a great, non-invasive form of temporary vision correction, eliminating the need to wear corrective lenses during the day.
There are many benefits to ortho-k lenses, some of which include:
Freedom from corrective lenses
Safe and reversible non-surgical vision correction
Comfort for dry eyes
Myopia control […]
Can an Optometrist Treat Eye Infections?
Optometrists are skilled experts in eye care, adept at diagnosing, managing, and treating various eye conditions, including infections. […]
Is Neurolens Worth It?
Neurolens glasses are designed to reduce symptoms such as digital eye strain, headaches, and tension in the neck and shoulders. But there’s more to these glasses than meets the eye! Determining if Neurolens is worth it is a personal choice. However, considering their innovative technology and positive feedback, it may be a worthwhile investment. […]
Can’t Wear Contact Lenses? 5 Reasons You Haven’t Found the Right Pair
Contact lenses can be a great alternative to wearing prescription glasses for some people. Although, not everyone can wear them […]